This project was made at Gasworks Residency, London thanks to BECA AMA from Fundación AMA. October - December 2017.
The isle of dogs; a curse in reverse, consists in an installation of abstract cabinets / totems in which the old Pre-Colombian iconography coexist with the new mythologies and cosmologies around the corporate symbols.
In this installation, culturally opposed objects are arrange to create abstract 'altars', where the cabinets function as plastic totems for new figures of financial power, bringing healing plants and feminine energy alongside corporate shirts and modified advertisement screens, which display hand made drawings that blink and shine as smart phones.
The title: The Isle of Dogs refers to an area in which the financial centre of London is located, where Dominguez infiltrated in its hidden healing centers to identify some of the main contemporary illness that are common in office settings and its corporate visual language.
This series of work was developed in London while researching at Gasworks, were Patricia Domínguez created her own corporate - healing mythologies, in reaction the ideas of fake shamans and instant healing that are usually related by exoticizing and selling identities of Central and South America related to anthropological ceramic fragments. She worked with the artifacts that are hosted at the Museum of The Seagulls, a museum put together by her grandfather in the Atacama Desert.The project is specific to the corporate cosmology of The Isle of dogs, but touches on the cultural appropriation process that is happening globally, where the expropriation of the symbolic meanings and cultural traditions is transforming heritages.

The isle of dogs; a curse in reverse, Hand-painted LED screens, television rack, corporate shirts, plastic hand, dry rose, aloe vera and jackfruit with pins, leopard zunga, chicken and green parrot feathers, fake hair braids, pumice stones, yoga blocks, rose of Jericho, elastic hair ties, buttons with eyes and copal incense, 2017.
1. Healing Earth Center
Anti - inflammatory pineapple leaves good for tachycardia and irritable bowel syndrome.
Keep leaves in your shirt pocket for 3 hours a day.
2. Nomad Travel Clinic
Single palm tree leaf brings cooling breeze to alleviate stiff hands and arthritis.
Attach it to the back of your chair for 16 days.
3. Freedom Clinic
Chicken feathers to release stress and anxiety accumulated through overworking.
Attach 5 feathers to your hand and stroke the ground.
4. Island Health Clinic
Rose of Jericho to clean electromagnetic fields from Wifi.
Sprinkle around the office.
5.1 Vital Skin Clinic
Aloe vera to hydrate tired eyes.
Jackfruit to release pressure on the head and erase face wrinkles.
Pin them continuously to transfer your pains into the plants.
5.2 Mobile Male Massage
For treating back pains.
Rub ceramics on spine.

The isle of dogs; a curse in reverse, Hand-painted LED screens, television rack, corporate shirts, plastic hand, dry rose, aloe vera and jackfruit with pins, leopard zunga, chicken and green parrot feathers, fake hair braids, pumice stones, yoga blocks, rose of Jericho, elastic hair ties, buttons with eyes and copal incense, 2017.
Instalación realizada durante la residencia en Gasworks gracias a la beca de Fundación AMA, Patricia Domínguez, 2017.
The isle of dogs; a curse in reverse, toma como punto de partida una revisión del Museo Las Gaviotas que el abuelo de Patricia Domínguez construyó en el Desierto de Atacama para proponer nuevos gabinetes para los objetos que éste que alberga usando camisas corporativas como contenedores de ellos, pensando en el actual uso corporativo del territorio en Chile, en donde las corporaciones son las que manejan la extracción de recursos.
Son 5 pantallas - esculturas que funcionan como tótems - altares para sanar los dolores principales de los oficinistas (ojos y colon irritados, dolores de espalda, migrañas, estrés, y espacios cargado de ondas electromagnéticas) a través de plantas con beneficios medicinales encontradas en el mercado de Brixton.
Estos altares o islas, están conectadas / enchufadas a un “cerebro central”, que es la escultura central. Las pantallas tintinean y brillan de manera similar a nuestros celulares, pantallas y televisiones, provocando esa “brillantez” molestosa a los ojos, y dando una base conceptual a la materialidad los dibujos. Estos pseudo altares construidos para estas nuevas figuras 'religiosas' o 'místicas; que emergen del capitalismo, contienen ofrendas de plantas para sanarlas y neutralizarlas. Las plantas suman energía femenina a estos totems masculinos, usando un lenguaje abstracto y simbólico que resiste el lenguaje utilitario usado comúnmente en el lenguaje corporativo.
1. Healing Earth Center
Hojas de piñas (anti-inflamatorias) para tratar la taquicardia y el colon irritable.
Lleve consigo algunas hojas en el bolsillo de su camisa por 3 horas al día.
2. Nomad Travel Clinic
Hoja de palmera para producir efecto de brisa y aliviar las manos tiesas y el dolor de huesos (artritis).
Amarre la hoja a la parte trasera de su silla por 16 días.
3. Freedom Clinic
Plumas de pollo para descargar el estrés y la ansiedad producidas por exceso de trabajo.
Agarre 5 plumas con su mano y acaricie diariamente el suelo a las 5 pm.
4. Island Health Clinic
Rosa de Jericó para limpiar espacios cargados con ondas electromagnéticas emitidas por wifis.
Rocíe en toda la oficina.
5.1 Vital Skin Clinic
Aloe vera para hidratar los ojos irritados.
Jackfruit para descargar la presión de la cabeza y suavizar las arrugas de la cara.
Entierre alfileres continuamente en las partes blandas para transferir sus dolores a las plantas.
5.2 Mobile Male Massage
Para tratar dolores de espalda, refriegue fragmentos de cerámicas sobre su columna vertebral.

The isle of dogs; a curse in reverse, Hand-painted LED screens, television rack, corporate shirts, plastic hand, dry rose, aloe vera and jackfruit with pins, leopard zunga, chicken and green parrot feathers, fake hair braids, pumice stones, yoga blocks, rose of Jericho, elastic hair ties, buttons with eyes and copal incense, 2017.

The isle of dogs; a curse in reverse, Hand-painted LED screens, television rack, corporate shirts, plastic hand, dry rose, aloe vera and jackfruit with pins, leopard zunga, chicken and green parrot feathers, fake hair braids, pumice stones, yoga blocks, rose of Jericho, elastic hair ties, buttons with eyes and copal incense, 2017.

The isle of dogs; a curse in reverse, Hand-painted LED screens, television rack, corporate shirts, plastic hand, dry rose, aloe vera and jackfruit with pins, leopard zunga, chicken and green parrot feathers, fake hair braids, pumice stones, yoga blocks, rose of Jericho, elastic hair ties, buttons with eyes and copal incense, 2017.

The isle of dogs; a curse in reverse, Hand-painted LED screens, television rack, corporate shirts, plastic hand, dry rose, aloe vera and jackfruit with pins, leopard zunga, chicken and green parrot feathers, fake hair braids, pumice stones, yoga blocks, rose of Jericho, elastic hair ties, buttons with eyes and copal incense, 2017.

The isle of dogs; a curse in reverse, Hand-painted LED screens, television rack, corporate shirts, plastic hand, dry rose, aloe vera and jackfruit with pins, leopard zunga, chicken and green parrot feathers, fake hair braids, pumice stones, yoga blocks, rose of Jericho, elastic hair ties, buttons with eyes and copal incense, 2017.

The isle of dogs; a curse in reverse, Hand-painted LED screens, television rack, corporate shirts, plastic hand, dry rose, aloe vera and jackfruit with pins, leopard zunga, chicken and green parrot feathers, fake hair braids, pumice stones, yoga blocks, rose of Jericho, elastic hair ties, buttons with eyes and copal incense, 2017.

The isle of dogs; a curse in reverse, Hand-painted LED screens, television rack, corporate shirts, plastic hand, dry rose, aloe vera and jackfruit with pins, leopard zunga, chicken and green parrot feathers, fake hair braids, pumice stones, yoga blocks, rose of Jericho, elastic hair ties, buttons with eyes and copal incense, 2017.

The isle of dogs; a curse in reverse, Hand-painted LED screens, television rack, corporate shirts, plastic hand, dry rose, aloe vera and jackfruit with pins, leopard zunga, chicken and green parrot feathers, fake hair braids, pumice stones, yoga blocks, rose of Jericho, elastic hair ties, buttons with eyes and copal incense, 2017.

The isle of dogs; a curse in reverse, Hand-painted LED screens, television rack, corporate shirts, plastic hand, dry rose, aloe vera and jackfruit with pins, leopard zunga, chicken and green parrot feathers, fake hair braids, pumice stones, yoga blocks, rose of Jericho, elastic hair ties, buttons with eyes and copal incense, 2017.

The isle of dogs; a curse in reverse, Hand-painted LED screens, television rack, corporate shirts, plastic hand, dry rose, aloe vera and jackfruit with pins, leopard zunga, chicken and green parrot feathers, fake hair braids, pumice stones, yoga blocks, rose of Jericho, elastic hair ties, buttons with eyes and copal incense, 2017.

The isle of dogs; a curse in reverse, Hand-painted LED screens, television rack, corporate shirts, plastic hand, dry rose, aloe vera and jackfruit with pins, leopard zunga, chicken and green parrot feathers, fake hair braids, pumice stones, yoga blocks, rose of Jericho, elastic hair ties, buttons with eyes and copal incense, 2017.